The Mines and Geosciences Bureau collects data on mining production statistics, mine locations, mine permits, and more.
If there are specific industry datasets you want to access, explore the following:
Metal Prices for Selected Mineral Commodities
Directory of Operating Mines
Mining Industry Statistics
Philippines Metallic Production
Metal Prices for Selected Mineral Commodities:
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau collects daily data on the closing prices of various metals and non-metallic minerals.
Directory of Operating Metallic Mines: The Bureau gathers annual data on operating metallic mines including the contractor, metallic commodity gathered, location, and contact information for each mine. The earliest data available is from 2017.
Directory of Operating Non-Metallic Mines: The Bureau gathers annual data on operating non-metallic mines including the contractor, commodity gathered, location, and contact information for each mine. The earliest data available is from 2017.
Mining Industry Statistics: The Bureau regularly gathers data about the mining industry at large. These data reports include the production value of operating mines, the number of operating mines, the number of mining permit application being processed, and the average world price of various commodities. The earliest data available is from 05/21/2013.
Philippines Metallic Production: The Bureau collects annual data about the national production of all major metallic minerals including gold, silver, chromite, iron, copper, nickel, mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide, and scandium oxalate. These reports include data about the production quantity and value from each operating mine. This earliest available data is from 2010.